Forging gear is generally the steel is heated to austenitic state, and then use the mold pressure, press the forming force and into parts. Casting defects segregation, shrinkage cavity, porosity, etc. Gear forgings, for example, after forging steel include metal flow linear, can significantly improve the mechanical properties of metallic materials. , mechanical performance difference, forgings after secondary machining, there will be a hardening process, this process will arrange close, the mechanical properties of omnidirectional, is better than that of castings; Two different casting, molding method is after melting furnace melting the ratio of good information, poured into the model, cooling molding; Forging is a press repeat while under the effects of pressure limit. : a. casting casting directly by the molten steel composition, grain size less rough, metal slightly lower density, mechanical properties of safe sex difference; Gear forging, casting, by the high temperature forging fine grain size, slightly higher density, mechanical properties. B. from the processing appearance investigation: casting a small granular, can see the beatles seam (casting grinding tool cover mouth); Black appearance after free forging, casting, appearance for short flake, can see casting folds; Die forging, at first glance and casting parts are similar, but the appearance of the granule is exquisite. And die forging are often do small, hard to make a big parts. C. from processing surface survey: is cast iron and forgings have significant differences, cast iron appearance without burnish is still light up after (grinding), chip crumbs of chip breaker, grey cast iron will be a powder crumbs; Cast steel machining surface and forgings with yourself don't think is very significant difference, has the gloss. The forming defect such as gear forgings without shrinkage cavity, so forging is better than casting mechanical properties. Casting strengths is produce molding facilities. Scale fine mechanical performance requirements is not high to a shape. Mainly for differences in forming method. From appearance to distinguish the two can see: casting table with thicker, and presence of segregation and the shrinkage cavity, and gear forging surface smooth and shiny. Because gear forgings forging by external forces, and the casting solidification molding.